Terms like cyber risk and cybersecurity are becoming increasingly common. But what is a cyber risk? And how can you protect yourself? Here are some answers.
As a physician, you know the significance of safety and preventative measures, especially when it comes to our physical well-being. However, with our increased use of technology, it’s equally critical to consider our safety in the digital world.
A cyber risk is a threat to an electronic or computer system that can cause, among other things, physical damage to the device, loss of personal computer data and financial loss.
We often talk about cyberattacks or cybercrimes because hackers are behind cyber risks. They use several types of malware or phishing techniques to steal personal information or simply harm others.
From cell phones and tablets to smart TVs and appliances, any device that's connected to the internet puts you at risk from a cyberattack. Do you know how to stay safe? While you can't prevent all cyber threats, there are ways to better protect yourself.
Social media sites use data for marketing purposes, so you need to take extra care to protect your private information on social media.
Just as you'd protect your home or wallet from thieves, you need to protect your personal devices and data from cybercriminals.
When you give personal information online, like your address and credit card number, you become a target for cybercriminals. Shop more safely with these few tips:
Some malicious people use phishing or scamming techniques to get their hands on your data via instant messages, emails or fake websites. Here are some tips to help protect your privacy.
It’s essential to take preventative measures to protect your information online so that you can continue to safely and effectively provide care to your patients.
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